Windows 11 text and logo on a blue background

Windows 11

WIndows 11 has been rolling out over the past few months and we’ve seen quite a few PC’s running Ensemble update automatically. So far there don’t seem to be any …

Happy Birthday on birthday cake

It’s our birthday year!

Twenty-seventeen marks ten years since we started developing the Apollo Ensemble software. It’s changed massively over that time, from the initial concepts through multiple iterations of Windows. We’ve crushed over two …

OSC Plugin Update

The OSC block has received a small update to correct a bug discovered by one of our users. When used with TouchOSC, the blocks were not seeing the difference between …

Recycle your old equipment

Throwing away older music technology equipment is always heart breaking, especially when you’re dealing with accessible music technology kit. The resell market is limited and you rely on people being …

News: Apollo Ensemble in line for national award

A Yorkshire company which designs and manufactures technology which allows children with disabilities to express themselves through movement has been named as a national finalist at a prestigious industry awards …